Unleash the Force and clobber your opponents with this new Star Wars Miniatures set! We review it all right here.
With the Star Wars Miniatures game you can be Jedi and Sith in battle or command Darth Vader, as well as other warriors from the Star Wars movies. The new The Force Unleashed expansion set adds 60 new figures for you to collect, including a bunch from the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game! We have the 411 on this set for you with our Star Wars Miniatures: The Force Unleashed review.
The Force Unleashed - Previews and Info
The upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game is all about "Kicking Butt With The Force" and that's what this set does too. From KOTOR's Darth Revan to two versions of Darth Vader's apprentice and even a Force-using Rancor! There are also classic Star Wars characters and new Force powers that are so powerful you have to charge them up before you can use 'em!The Force Unleashed - Strong with the Force!
This set is loaded with awesome ways to turn your opponent inside out with the Force. If you add a Force Spirit character, like Yoda or Obi-Wan, you can unleash the massive powers early on. There are also a heap of characters that you can combine into really cool squads and tons of super-strong leaders and Jedi.The Force Unleashed - Falling to the Dark Side
As cool as the power-up Force abilities are, if your opponent tackles your uber-Jedi/Sith to the ground they can get blasted before they use their power. There are a bunch of figs that are also hard to use unless you pull some weird combos with them so new players could have trouble.The Force Unleashed - Darth Revan
This is the super-customizable character you play in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video games and how he, or she, is a mini. This is very cool because Darth Revan is extremely powerful, but it's also really weird because everybody has a different version of Darth Revan so how can any fig be the 'right' one?The Force Unleashed - Light or Dark?
Unless everybody you know plays Yuuzhan Vong, grab a bucketful of these figs! There are awesome Force powers, cool combos, huge monsters and you even get to check out some of the characters and bosses from the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game before it comes out.The Force Unleashed Thumbs Up:
The Force Unleashed Thumbs Down:
The Force Unleashed Set Rating:
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Price Range Legend
$0-$15 =
$16-$30 =
$31-$45 =
$46-$60 =
$60+ =
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