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D&D Miniatures: Icons - Huge Black and Red Dragon Reviews

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

We review the massive red and black Icons dragons for the D&D Miniatures game of fantasy battles!

The Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures game is adding humongous new monsters to the game with the ICONS creatures. The Gargantuan Black Dragon and Colossal Red Dragon are the first two and they're awesome! They tower over all the other creatures in the game, even the huge monsters from the War of the Dragon Queen set, and can clobber entire armies all by themselves. They're wicked looking, from their teeth to their tails. The red dragon's wings are especially cool, which makes up for its barf-errific (and removable) flame breath. The problem is that they're too big, especially the red dragon, and you won't be able to use them very often.

D&D Miniatures: Icons Black and Red Dragon - Thumbs Up

  • Awesome looking monsters!
  • Incredibly powerful in the D&D Miniatures game.
  • Big enough to take on your Ninja Turtles, Teen Titans and King Kong toys, at the same time!

D&D Miniatures: Icons Black and Red Dragon - Thumbs Down

  • You can only use them in special D&D Miniatures games.
  • The red dragon's flame breath looks like it's puking!

D&D Miniatures: Icons Black Dragon Rating: 4
Age: 12 and up
Price Range: 3

D&D Miniatures: Icons Red Dragon Rating: 3
Age: 12 and up
Price Range: 5

Price Range Legend
$0-$15 =1
$16-$30 =2
$31-$45 =3
$46-$60 =4
$60+ = 5

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