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July 2016's PlayStation Plus and Xbox Games With Gold

Jun 29, 2016

By: Max Cannon

Every month Sony and Microsoft release a slew of "free" games on their respective platforms if you are already paying for an online subscription for either company. You don't need the newest console to take part either as both PlayStation Plus and Xbox's Games With Gold offer games on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 (and even PlayStation Vita.)

The New Games of PlayStation Plus

Starting this Tuesday you can get these upcoming games for free if you have a PlayStation Plus subscription.

  • Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell (PlayStation 4)
  • Furi (PlayStation 4)
  • Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (PlayStation 3)
  • Fat Princess (PlayStation 3)
  • Oreshkia: Tainted Bloodlines (PlayStation Vita)
  • Prince of Persia: Revelation (PlayStation Vita)

The two PlayStation 4 games that come with your Plus subscription.The two PlayStation 4 games that come with your Plus subscription.Courtesy of Sony

Though I can't speak to all of these games the selection on PlayStation 3 is pretty good, but that's been expected. The games released on previous generations have normally been stellar, including BioShock: Infinite and Uncharted 3. I can't speak much to FuriSaints Row is a decent game that I wouldn't normally play through but I may now that it's on Plus.

The New Games of Xbox's Games With Gold

Starting on July 1 you can look forward to these games on Xbox One and Xbox 360, if you have a Gold subscription on Xbox.

  • The Banner Saga 2 (Xbox One)
  • Tumblestone (Xbox One)
  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (Xbox 360 & Backwards Compatible on Xbox One)
  • Tron: Evolution (Xbox 360)

Adding The Banner Saga 2 to this list is awesome, especially seeing how new that game is.Tumblestone doesn't seem too interesting as it is just a puzzler game. Rainbow Six has been offered for free if you own the newest game in the series, and Tron: Evolution is a decent game as well. Nothing too fancy.

The upcoming Xbox Games With Gold.The upcoming Xbox Games With Gold.Courtesy of Microsoft

My Winner This Month:

Really, this month is almost a tie to me but PlayStation Plus pulled ahead as my favorite selection. Though The Banner Saga 2 is a great, great game to have I'm not a fan of the "tactics" style game. I will however be playing through Saints Row, a game I wouldn't play otherwise.

Have Your Say!

Will you picking up any of these games? Do any look interesting to you? Comment below!