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Dear Dish-it: Humiliating Dad

Jul 11, 2010

Dear Dish-it,

How do I escape from an embarrassing dad? Sometimes when we're outside together he treats me like a 5 year old and I'm 10! Help me!

Embarrassed Girl

Dear EG,

I totally know how you feel about being daddy’s little girl. It’s a tough spot to get out of because, well, he is your dad. Although the whole situation won’t turn around in a blink of an eye, you can definitely get it moving with a couple simple steps.

Prove yourself

First of all, show him that you’re not a little girl. What are some things you do that make you're mature and able to handle some things on your own? How about cleaning your room without being asked to, or getting your homework done on time every night> Show your dad that you're not five years old anymore - and maybe he'll start treating you like more of a grown up and less of a kid.

Heart to Heart

If those subtle moves don’t do the trick, it’s time to have a dad-to-daughter talk session. There must be a reason he’s babying you or treating you like you're younger than you actually are. Find out what that reason is by asking him about it. And since he cares about you, he’s probably gonna want to hear what you have to say… about anything! So just sit him down and let him know what’s been bothering you. Of course, there’s no need to make him feel guilty. Make sure to show that you appreciate that he cares. But clearly tell him that you’re uncomfortable when he takes it too far and that you are growing up … in a way that will make him proud.

Your dad will probably always be a protective father, and it will be hard for him to let go sometimes. But showing him that you can deal with things in a grown up way might help him think of you more like an 10 year old than a 5 year old.

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