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Dear Dish-It, My Parents Are the Worst!

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It, is here to whisper "ttyl after I've thought about this some more".

Dear Dish-It,

I am so freaked when it comes to spiders that it isn't even funny! I made myself sick from just seeing a spider on the wall and once, when I was laying on my bed about to go to sleep, I thought I saw a spider and I got all freaked! Then I couldn't get to sleep and then I started seeing spiders that weren't there. In the morning I had like 10 spider bites all over me. And, just to tell U, when ever a spider bites me, it swells up because I am allergic. What do I do to become a little less wigged-out over spiders? Please, please, please help!

Dear sk8ting_chick,

Take a DEEP breath! It sounds like you've got a pretty real phobia of the eight-legged kind! I know it's hard, but next time you see a spider, remind yourself of these things: It's smaller than you. It's an insect. It's probably more interested in flies than you. Then take a magazine, a book, your shoe - whatever - and stomp it to death. That always makes me feel better when I find myself face-to-face with those icky creatures. Here's what concerns me - you're freaking over something (spiders) that isn't happening. Don't get wigged-out because of what you "might" see or because a spider "might" be hiding in your bedroom. You can't control everything in life and stressin' about it doesn't help anything. If your phobia starts getting worse, talk to someone about it like your mom or a trusted relative. Good luck!

Dear Dish-It,

I don't mean to brag but I'm the most popular girl in 7th grade and my BF is too. He is so cute, athletic, popular. Oh gosh, I can't belive he is mine. But one problem - my parent's will not let me go to the 7th grade dance. I've talked back to them and told them they are the worst parents ever but they won't listen. And if I don't go to the dance then I will ruin my reputation... EVERYWHERE! The school dance is only a only a week away so plz respond soon. I'm crying right now, so plz help A.S.A.P! If U help me U are the best person in this world!

Dear fallingforlove01,

You might not think I am "the best person in the world" when you hear my response, but since you asked... I think that you totally need to get a grip. Missing one dance will suck (cuz you obviously want to go) but it will not ruin your life. If you're seriously trying to persuade your 'rents to change their mind, I doubt that "talking back" and telling them they are the "worst parents in the world" are ways to help your case. Have you actually listened to why they don't want you to go? If you're popular because people think you're a cool chick, that won't change because you miss one dance. And, if it does, the people who will no longer like you aren't worth your time anyway. And what difference does it make if you've got that cool boyfriend. He won't leave ya cuz you miss one school dance. Be mature about missing the dance and talk rationally to your parents about what they need to see from you in order to let you catch the next shin-dig.

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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