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America’s Got Talent Season 5 Episode 6 & 7

Jun 22, 2010

This week, America’s Got Talent traveled from East Coast to West Coast—first stop, the Universal Orlando Resort!

Gory Magician

Right away, Orlando proved to be full of amazing talents. First up was 19 year old magician, Frankie Elliston. Unlike most magicians who put their assistants in a box, his act was a little more…bloody. He swallowed a piece of string and claimed he would pull it out of another part of his body. Immediately you’d think his nose, or even his eyeball. But you’d be wrong. He pulled it through the skin in his stomach. Ew!

Florida Talents

Next came a bundle of talents, including another magician, The South Philly Vikings, a knife thrower, and a gymnast who painted the American flag with her thighs by doing the splits! We also saw a 16 year old piano prodigy from the Netherlands, a dance crew called Studio One Young Beast Society who were all between the ages of 10 and 21, and a motivational singing group called Harmanik, all of whom were from Haiti.

Zombies in Portland

The judges left Florida in good spirits and headed for the West Coast. Unfortunately, Portland, Oregon didn’t deliver right away. After some terrible and even disturbing acts from a zombie dance crew, a stampede of untrained Chihuahuas, and a magician who fell off the stage, the judges weren’t too optimistic.

Oregon Talents

But then a few talents started rolling in. There were performances by a guy who does stunts on his mountain bike, a musical couple called The Strange Familiar, an Indian Cultural Dance Group, a group of flexible young girls called Northwest Dance and Acro, and even a silly trio who performed a very entertaining Air Band[/kwlink] routine.

Hand Whistling

Last to perform was a 75 year old hand whistler named Sally Cohn[/kwlink]. She may have grossed out the judges at first while she was moistening her hands, but her talent was enough to earn her a ticket to Vegas. And she even sold two copies of her own book to Nick and Howie!

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