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America’s Got Talent Season 5 Episode 1

Jun 02, 2010

Howie Mandell (host of Deal or No Deal) joins the panel of judges on season 5 of America’s Got Talent. The search for America’s most talented person began in Los Angeles with all sorts of amazing—and no so amazing—acts. In this episode we saw everything from Side Show entertainers and acrobats to impersonators and cheer teams. And even some talents you’ve never seen on stage before, like ice sculpting and juggling bartenders.

America’s Got Talent contestants can be anyone of any age. And the first boys to perform took advantage of that. Five and nine year old dancers called Future Funk busted up the floor with their awesome dance moves. It was no surprise when the judges sent them to Vegas.

Many performers impressed the judges, including the Mona Sampath Dance Company (a Bollywood dance group), martial arts dancers, and a woman dressed in a cat woman suit who painted three different paintings at a time. When she put the paintings together their formed one image—cat woman’s face.

Three performances really stood out in this episode. First was a man named Haspop who performed a miming/acting/dancing act. His crazy flexibility, unusual moves and creative song combination really impressed the judges.

Second was New Directions, a choir made up of formerly homeless veterans. The goal of their program is to help other homeless veterans get back on their feet, and inspire those who are struggling to seek help. Their moving performance left the judges, particularly Sharon, emotional.

But the obvious showstopper of the night was 30 year old Michael Grimm. Michael’s grandparents lost everything in Hurricane Katrina, and he wants to use his prize money to help them get their lives back. At first, he seemed like he was trying to get the sympathy vote. But when he began his song, the judges were speechless. He’s the real deal.

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