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Dear Dish-It: How Do I Stop Picking My Nose?

Oct 04, 2016

Dear Dish-it,

I still pick my nose and everyone laughs at me and I need help!!! Please help, it is embarrassing!


Nose PickingNose Picking
Dear MP,

Everyone has habits that are personal to them. But some are more pleasant than others. The thing about picking your nose is, it’s unhygienic. That means it can actually have a bad effect on your own health! Trying to stop is a good idea, regardless of what your friends and the other kids at school think.

Maybe you pick your nose because you want to keep your hands occupied. If this is the case try to think of something else to do with them. Many people who pick their nose find that if they can find something to distract them they can stop the habit.

Another good idea is to try to keep your nose as clean as possible. So blow it often and make sure that it is free of dirt and blockages. The reason that many people pick their noses is because they feel uncomfortable with whatever is in there. By keeping your nose clean there is less attraction to picking it. Also this will help to keep you free from colds and so on.

It is also a good idea to make sure that when you get the urge to pick your you go somewhere private; doing this will make you realize what you are doing. Many people pick their noses subconsciously (without thinking about it) and this is why they can’t or don’t stop. By realizing that you want to pick your nose you will become more aware of it and this can help you to stop.

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