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The Pink Panther 2 Movie Review

Reviewed by on Feb 08, 2009
Rating: 3 Star Rating

The Pink Panther Diamond has been stolen! It’s up to the clever and clumsy Inspector Clouseau and his team of international detectives to get it back. Join us as Kidzworld investigates The Pink Panther 2.

Inspector Clouseau isn’t the sharpest knife in the door; he’s clumsy, clueless and extremely accident prone. But when it comes to protecting the Pink Panther Diamond, Clouseau is the most dedicated man for the job. That’s why, when the most priceless artifacts in England, Italy and Japan are stolen, Clouseau is sent to work. But the Inspector fears that the moment he leaves France, the legendary Pink Panther Diamond will also be stolen. And he’s absolutely right.

International Dream Team

The government assembles an international Dream Team to catch the clever thief, Le Tornado, and recover the stolen artifacts. The team consists of detectives from each of the four countries, including Clouseau, as well as a stunning jewel expert and Clouseau’s assistance (and secret love interest).

Not So Smooth

The team heads to Rome in search of Le Tornado. They interrogate the owner of a large mansion, while Clouseau sneaks off to investigate the grounds. Unfortunately, he winds up swinging from chandeliers and smashing through tables without finding any clues about the missing artifacts.

One Stunt Too Many

Of course, Clouseau’s clumsy stunts don’t stop there. He dresses as the Pope and falls off the Vatican’s balcony in front of a horrorstruck crowd; he jokingly holds his nephews by the ankles and swings them over his balcony; and he accidentally sets fire to an elegant restaurant in Rome…twice. With one too many embarrassing stunts under his belt, his partners vote him off the Dream Team. But when the team thinks they’ve solved the crime, the clever Clouseau discovers a missing piece to the puzzle.

The Bottom Line

With his thick French accent and silly moustache, Steve Martin plays an excellent clueless detective. The film offers a few good laughs, but most of the stunts are just downright silly. Unless you couldn’t get enough of the first Pink Panther film, I suggest you pull out the PJs and popcorn and make this a rental.

The Pink Panther 2 Rating: 3

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