Final Fantasy is a goner. The Gamecube sells out in less time than it takes to listen to an *NSYNC song. Everquest is making a kooky, new server and Panasonic is building a better Gamecube.
Gary has the latest news on the gaming world for you. Check out the 411 this week:If you loved any of the Final Fantasy games, you probably caught the super-cool looking movie when it came out in July of 2001. Bad news - it tanked at the box office. All the graphics in the world can't help a movie that costs about five times what it makes. Square (the company behind Final Fantasy) is bowing out of making movies and sticking to video games.
If you play the online addiction, or should I say game, known as Everquest (EQ) you'll be interested to hear about a new server going up. If you don't play EQ, a server is like a whole world to play in, with towns, people, forests, dungeons and all kinds of stuff. The new server, Firiona Vie, has alignments that affect teaming up, limits on messages, language barriers and a few other things. Unfortunately, you still can't thump another player unless they let you.
The Xbox was fast - clearing out its pre-orders in about 30 minutes but the Cube moved like crazy. Toys 'R Us sold all of their North American Gamecube pre-orders in four minutes. How do you think this is gonna affect the console wars? What do you think The Jedi will have to say?
On the topic of the Cube, Panasonic and Nintendo are fixing the one major prob with the Gamecube - the lack of a DVD player. Panasonic is gonna have a device called a Q that will play Gamecube games and DVDs. Unfortunately, the price will jump from $200 to about $290 US. The Q's slogan is "Play or View."