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Console Wars :: The Finale

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Theyre rough, theyre tough, theyre lean, mean, game machines. Which console has what it takes to beat the pudding out of the rest and be the king of the console wars? Catch the finale here.

The consoles have stepped up to do battle. The Dreamcast was the first on the field and the first to disappear. The Playstation 2 started with a whimper cuz nobody could get one unless you'd ordered it 10,000 years in advance. The Gamecube is out in Japan and will be available in the US by Nov. 18, 2001. The Xbox is hitting stores on Nov. 8, 2001 - it's going to be hot competition between the Cube and the Box. But which system is the top machine? Let's review the stats.

Sega Dreamcast:

The Dreamcast's high points are the great games, crazy-low price and good internet action. Low-power, no DVD and the fact that it's a dead system give it serious problems.
Rating: 3

Sony Playstation 2:

As the first system with DVD and serious brand-name power, the PS2 rocked the Dreamcast. When the more powerful systems hit the stores with all their big name games the PS2 is gonna get stomped flat cuz it can't compete.
Rating: 3

Nintendo Gamecube:

Good power, great games, big names and a low price give the little guy the power to compete. No DVD is a serious bummer and takes it down a notch from perfect to nearly perfect.
Rating: 4

Microsoft Xbox:

The Xbox is coming to the console war with more power than a stampeding horde of *NSYNC fans - and about 13 gazillion games you'll be able to play. It also has a hefty price tag, no experience at making consoles and a DVD remote that you need to fork out extra ca$h for - otherwise, no DVD for you.
Rating: 4

Console War Champion:

The Nintendo Gamecube

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