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Simon's Blog - July 25, 2006

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Simon blogs about his summer job in his free online teen web log.

July 25, 2006

Okay, so it turns out my dream job at Water World isn't quite what I expected. I had this vision that I'd be casually serving ice cream all day to beautiful girls, who would be dazzled by my ice cream scooping technique, and just be dying to hang out with me. But it's not like that all.

For starters, my boss is a total knob. He never gives me any breaks at work, so I never have any time to just hang out and check out the slides. This guy also has a major anger management problem and he goes into a total rage every time I do anything wrong. He's more frightening than my mom after I've come home with a "F" on my report card. Yesterday, I accidently dropped two scoops of ice cream on the floor and he acted like I'd just blown up the snack bar. He started yelling at me like crazy and said next time I spill any ice cream, he'll take the cost out of my next pay check. What a freak! I thought he'd be cool because his daughter, who works there, is super cute - but apparently there's no relation between the cuteness of a girl and the niceness of her dad.

And even though I get free ice cream, that's not really much of a perk. I've tried every flavor about 500 times and I'm actually getting sick of the stuff. Even when I fall asleep at night, I have dreams about scooping ice cream over and over, while my boss watches over me like he's some sort of evil dungeon master. The only good thing is that once the summer ends, so does this job.

Have you ever had a boss you really hated? Or a job you couldn't stand?


1Hey, I have a summer job at Wet 'n Wild!

1Hey, that sounds pretty cool. I always wanted to go to Disney World :]

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