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Simon's Blog - July 11, 2006

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Simon blogs about going on a summer road trip with his family in his free online teen web log. - Page 2

July 11, 2006

So I'm back from my family vacation and ready for some real summer fun. The roadtrip to Florida with my parents and brother was cool and all - but after a week of listening to my mom complain about my dad's driving and hearing my older brother talk crap about all the girls he claims to have made out with, I'm glad to be back home.

The highlight of the trip was Disney World, where I rode on a ton of cool rides. The best one was the Expedition Everest rollercoaster - absolutely blew my mind. It also made me puke my guts out big time. Nothing's nastier than a bean burrito and a large Coke coming back up, especially when it's in front of about a billion people at a an amusement park. But I won't see any of those people ever again, so it's not a big deal. I just hope no one took a picture and put it on the internet somewhere.

But the thrills and spills of the Magic Kingdom are behind me now and I'm enjoying my new job as the dude who serves people soda and ice cream at Waterworld. It's not quite as entertaining as spending a day at Disney World - but I can eat as much ice cream as I want to for free and there's a ton of girls wearing bikinis. So, that makes it a pretty magical place as well.

How's your summer going so far? Been anywhere cool? Done anything fun?


1Hey, I have a summer job at Wet 'n Wild!

1I think that you would be the guy for me simon as long as your the age of anywhere from 12 to 14

1Hey, that sounds prety cool, I've always wanted to go to disney world.

1hey! my summer is awsome. We are taking a euro trip! its great!

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