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MVP 06 NCAA Baseball: PS2 and Xbox Video Game Review

Dec 27, 2006

Electronic Arts, the master of sports video games, is bringing you more college baseball with the MVP 06 NCAA Baseball video game for the Playstation 2 and Xbox! It's baseball with all the up-and-coming pro ball players on your team and tons of solid baseball action. Here's our video game review.

Stepping up to Bat in MVP 06 NCAA Baseball

It's a college baseball game with a few twists! The basic stuff is there so you can manage teams, play for big trophies and all that. But, if you're online, you can get the latest sports headlines from ESPN delivered with a real sports news ticker at the bottom of your screen. Plus, there's a new way to knock the ball out of the park and to throw it home. Are these new features hot or not? We dish it up below.

Hotdogs and Hot New Features in MVP 06 NCAA Baseball

If you're online (Xbox Live rules!) then the ESPN feature is awesome for hardcore sports fans. But, the new batting controls that let you use the joystick control rather than just tapping buttons, give you a way cooler way to smack home runs. And, if that's not enough, it's only $30 US!

Foul Balls and Blind Umps in MVP 06 NCAA Baseball

As cool as the new batting controls are, the new throwing option is frustrating with a capital F. If you aren't careful, the wrong button will bounce your throw off the water boy's head rather than to third base for the out.

The Final Inning for MVP 06 NCAA Baseball

It's a great game of baseball! You'll have to get used to the new throwing style to really enjoy it, but it's an awesome way to kick back on the couch and play ball. Especially for just $30 US!

MVP 06 NCAA Baseball Thumbs Up:

  • Load and Fire batting rules!
  • ESPN news ticker = constant baseball news.
  • Custom ballpark = plaid time!
  • Only $30 US!
  • MVP 06 NCAA Baseball Thumbs Down:

  • Precision Throw Control is frustrating!
  • Hokey music and some graphics ickyness.
  • MVP 06 NCAA Baseball Game Rating:

    MVP 06 NCAA Baseball is available for:

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