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MVP Baseball 2004: Free PC Game Demo

Dec 27, 2006

The World Series is starting and all the best baseball players in the world are going to be on the tube. If you're sick of sittin' and watchin' as the big games go down, Electronic Arts has the cure for you - the MVP Baseball 2004 video game. We have the 411 on how you can download a free PC game demo. Check this out for the scoop on the game and what it'll take to play it for free.

The 411 on EA's MVP Baseball 2004 PC Video Game

The full version of EA's MVP Baseball 2004 video game will let you step up to bat with a ton of cyber pro athletes. The latest baseball video game from Electronic Arts is loaded with a ton of teams and players to recruit into your own fantasy baseball league. Plus you get excellent graphics and wicked controls. Once you get playing you'll notice that the computer is as dumb as a stump, but if you have some friends to play against that's not a problem.

How to Download EA's MVP Baseball 2004 PC Video Game

First things first - get a hot dog and a cool pop ready to keep you energized while you play ball. If you have one, totally go for the pop-can hat for extra refreshment. Once you're all set, check out these instructions:
  • 1. Click Here to head to the MVP Baseball 2004 game download page.
  • 2. At the top you'll see a "Download the Demo >>" link - click it.
  • 3. A popup will come up that gives you all sorts of info about the demo and warns you that if anything goes screwy, EA's not going to fix it for you.
  • 4. Click 'OK' and you'll start to download the game demo, it's 240MB so it's going to take a few minutes to download. Hit the BBQ and cook up another hot dog to keep you busy while it saves to your desktop.
  • 5. Once the file has downloaded, double-click it to unzip it. Make sure you unzip it into a folder.
  • 6. Go into the folder with the unzipped game demo and click on the Setup.exe file to begin the install.
  • 7. Once MVP Baseball 2004 has installed - go kick some butt!

    If you dig the game, check out EA's official site for it where you can get the 411 on the full version of the game for the PC, Xbox, Playstation 2 and even Gamecube.

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