The Nintendo Gamecube video game console is the lil' guy in the console arena. But, it has some of the coolest games thanks to the genius game developers at Nintendo and other places. They come up with games like Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Pikmin 2 and more! Plus EA's sports games are on the system too. We have the 411 on some of the hottest Gamecube games, right here.
Pikmin 2 - Nintendo
original Pikmin was all about Captain Olimar getting his stranded butt off of an alien planet with the help of the Pikmin plant-people. Now he's home with more Pikmin than ever, a sidekick and a mission to save his
job from bankruptcy! With
more puzzles, better graphics, more strategy, massive levels, cool
collectible stuff and a wicked sense of humor - Pikmin 2 is a ton of fun for the Gamecube.
MVP Baseball 2004 - Electronic Arts
If you dig
baseball then you know that EA is the king of
baseball video games. And, their
MVP Baseball 2004 has all the gaming fun you'll need for 2005. Everything from unlockable
legendary players, tons of
MLB teams, and even warm-up pitching is packed into this game. There's barely enough room for the graphics and sound, but they're still so good it's like being there. All it's missing is the ballpark
hot dog.
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Nintendo
Courtesy of Nintendo |
Step back into the shoes of the girl with the best butt-kicking skills in video games -
Samus Aran. This grrl has been around since the original Nintendo and now she's back, bustin' space pirates, hopping dimensions and saving the day with
wicked graphics and
amazing action. It's a triple-decker of fun, with a side order of multiplayer, that'll keep your fingers tappin' for weeks.
Viewtiful Joe 2 - Capcom
What would you do if you had
action-movie superpowers? Would you save the day in slow-mo like
Viewtiful Joe? You bet you would! This game lets you slow down time, zoom in for close-ups, grab weird vehicles, get dazzled by the smokin' graphics and bust up evil with as you rock out on the Nintendo
Virtua Quest - Sega
Mix up the coolness of
anime, including the
huge hair, with a whole pile of
fighting-game action and a dose of roleplaying game fun. What do you get? Virtua Quest! There's also
matrix-style action in cyberspace and battles against some of the fighters from the
Virtua Fighter video game to make this a way-cool game.
For your chance to win these great games, and your very own Gamecube, head to the official Ultimate Video Game Giveaway.
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