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Dave Matthews Band - Everyday - CD Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Tired of the bubble gum pop music you cant escape every time you flick on the radio or the tube? Then check out the latest CD from The Dave Matthews Band for something different.

2001 (RCA)

Are you tired of the bubble gum pop that's dominated the radio and tube for what seems like forever? Then check out Everyday, the latest CD from The Dave Matthews Band. It promises a good listen with great acoustic guitars, quality vocals and even some electric guitars. The normally unplugged band plugged in some instruments this time 'round for a different sound. It's electric, but don't worry - they didn't completely ditch their acoustic guitars.

The first single, I Did It, is more upbeat than usual for the band and might just be the song to grab mainstream audiences. So Right shakes it up with some great horns, while Fool To Think slows it down a little - a great listen when you're feeling mellow or just hangin' out. The title track Everyday is a groovy feel-good song guaranteed to pick you up when you're feeling bummed. Overall, the CD is a nice mix of fast and slow tunes and Dave's raspy vocals never sounded better against jazzy sounds and great fingerpicking acoustics. This album needs to be listened to all the way through to fully appreciate the different sounds and the way it can make you feel. It's definitely worth a spin in your CD tray.


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