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Bow Wow Interview

Feb 13, 2020

sindyBy: Sindy

Bow Wow is all grown up and he's ready to unleash his new sound with his latest disc, Wanted which features the track, Let Me Hold You. Hear what he has to say about music, his love life and more!

Sindy: Hey Bow Wow! Congrats on the new album. What was different about making this album, compared to when you first started out?
Bow Wow: This album is totally different. Yeah, real mature. I think that's really the big issue with it. Now that I'm 18 years of age I get to talk about a lot of things that teenagers are going through in life and just talk about my personal issues and things that I wasn't able to talk about when I was younger. Just talk about things that I've been wanting to talk about for so long.

Sindy: Is there a certain song that you really like of the new CD?
Bow Wow: Man, it's hard cuz I like 'em all, but if I had to go with just one of them I'd probably say the song, Big Dreams. It's like, any dream that you have in life, don't let anybody stop you, don't let anybody turn you away. Just stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize. Don't stoop to the lowest level or do anything stupid to throw you off of that road to make you not achieve your goals.

Sindy: What are you looking forward to about Scream IV?
Bow Wow: I'm really looking forward to performing. That's really my thing, that's what I really love to do. I'm a performer. I love to get on stage, I love to do my thing and I just get a kick outta doing it. I just cannot wait - next week, that's when it starts off, July 20, 2005 in Trenton, New Jersey. I'm just looking forward to a whole lot. Getting back out there, letting the people see me again for the first time in a long time. And we're gonna have a lot of fun. That's what the Scream tour is all about - having fun and putting on a great show for the people.

Sindy: So what can fans expect from the show?
Bow Wow: Expect a more mature show. Not just from me, but from everybody. It's definitely something different. A lot of things are going to pop out at you, a lot of things might freak you out but other than that it's going to be an all around great show from myself and all the other artists that are on the Scream tour.

Sindy: For you, are there any downsides to being on the road?
Bow Wow: No downsides. Not to me there isn't. Without a doubt I prefer being on the road to being in the studio.

Sindy: Who do you think has been your biggest musical influence?
Bow Wow: I would have to say Snoop, Jay Z and Tupac. I don't really have one. I usually say those three. I kind of like to take different bits and pieces of how they are as individuals and how they handle their business. And not only how they take care of business but just musically as well, so I look up to them at all angles.

Sindy: What's it been like being able to work with Snoop?
Bow Wow: It's been a blessing. I can honestly say that Snoop's been like my big brother. I consider him like blood, like a blood relative cuz that's like my family right there. I can talk to him about anything and it's just been a blessing to have him by my side and for him to give me my name. To have Snoop be apart of my career is just a wonderful feeling - it's really great to have a dude like that on your team.

Sindy: Cool. Who would you like to collaborate with, that you haven't worked with yet?
Bow Wow: Probably be Jay Z. I just want him to write a verse for me.

Sindy: Who's the coolest person you have worked with?
Bow Wow: Snoop.

  • To find out what else Bow Wow had to say to Sindy, Click Here!
  • Check out Kidzworld's Bow Wow Wanted contest and enter for a chance to win one S2 Sports Boombox ZS-X1 and one copy of Bow Wow's latest CD "Wanted".
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