Educational Insights offers up four GeoSafari Platinum Edition CD-ROMs (Animals, Geography, History, Science) that are supposedly all about the learning, but are truly more about the snoozing. Check out Kidzworld review.

By Simon
My grandparents have told me all the ghost stories about how they only had black and white TV when they were kids. And my 'rents get all chatty about how, in the old days, the only computer games around were Pong and Space Invaders... a time before the Internet. (The Horror!!) Things, they say, have changed. Maybe somebody should tell this to the makers of GeoSafari Platinum Edition CD-ROMs. Educational Insights offers up four CDs (Animals, Geography, History, Science) that are supposedly all about the learning, but are truly more about the snoozing. From the Mr. Rogers-style narration to the static, and not static as in Static Shock, information window, these CDs feel like they have just been pulled out of a dusty old time capsule. They have lots of options that must have seemed flashy at the time, but the 15 learning games on each offer more of a challenge to toddlers than teens. And a seriously bad thing is, if your name isn't on the list of available names, you've got to choose a nick like Ding-Dong or Tonto or Princess. The only decent feature on GeoSafari CD-ROM is the glossary, but even that's a stretch. Okay, listen up teachers cuz I know you guys think these CDs are cool... uhh, not so much.
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