If you need help studying school subjects like science, math, english, geography, history or any other study problem, you should check out the new interactive learning tool from LeapFrog - the Quantum Pad.
Having trouble finding a study buddy? Fear not, Goddard, cuz help is on the way with the Quantum Pad from LeapFrog.
Interacting With Your Brain
They like to call it an interactive learning system but that makes it sound so dry. Really, it's full of talking stories, fun games and totally cool facts. How sweet is that? Just pop in a cartridge, touch a page with the interactive pen and faster than you can say least common denominator, the book comes to life. Whether it's comparing fractions or learning about bodily functions, Quantum Pad talks you through homework like your own, personal Ms. Frizzle. You can even track your food as it travels down the digestion highway. Just be prepared for some ick-making sounds along the way. And, just when you think your brain is bustin' with good learning, you can pop in another cartridge and take it to the next level.
Sylvan Who?
Quantum Pad is what school was meant to be - all learning fun with no nasty tests or chalk dust. So if you're in grades 3, 4 or 5, bug your 'rents to pick this up for ya. Who needs Sylvan Learning Centers when you've got a Quantum Pad Learning System? Psst - don't forget to tell them it's only $49.99. (How much is Sylvan anyway?!)
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