Give your thumbs a rest, put down the PS2 or Gameboy video games and check out these cool unplugged games. Sometimes old-skool stuff like Erueka!, Blast Off or Pandamonium is just as fun!
Back in dino-days, before PS2 and GBA, families got together, talked about their lives and sometimes played games. Many of these games can be seen in museums and on the History Channel, but if you are curious about these caveman-ways, Gamewright has dusted off some of the old favorites.
Quick and Easy Games:
Many of these are card games (sadly not a Blue-Eyes or Dark Magician in sight,) that test your brain smarts like K-9 Capers, Blast Off and Pandamonium. And, if your attention span is only as long as an Avril Lavigne video, fear not cuz many of these games only take a few minutes to learn. Simple but fun, the games take about 20 minutes to play.
Fun and Challenging Games:
If you've got a few more brain cells - and minutes - to spare, dig for the motherload in Eureka! or enter the dragons' lair with Snap, the interlocking dragon-making game. If you've got a thing for Legolas, The Legend of Landlock, and its mythical gnome map, may turn your Tolkien. Maybe you think learning can't be fun, but when it comes to getting the 411 on the States that make up this great land, The Scrambled States of America beats geography class any day. Hey, you need to know this stuff - why not do it the fun way?!