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Pokémon Conquest: Nintendo DS Game Review

Reviewed by on Jul 20, 2012
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Pokémon Conquest is an interesting spin-off of Pokémon and Nobunaga’s Ambition, a turn-based strategy game that is popular in Japan. In the end, the game is more about tactics and conquest than it is about catching them all.

Pokémon Conquest is an interesting spin-off of Pokémon and Nobunaga’s Ambition, a turn-based strategy game that is popular in Japan. In the end, the game is more about tactics and conquest than it is about catching them all. Still, Pokémon fans will have lots of fun with this game.

Gotta Conquer ‘em All!

You play as a young warlord who has been given the task of conquering all 17 regions of Ransei. In the game, warriors are people who can form links with Pokémon. You start off with an Eevee, but all characters can form additional links and use different Pokémon in battle. As you use the Pokémon, your link will become better and the Pokémon will get stronger. 

In battle, you can send in up to six warriors and each can use one Pokemon. Each army will take turns moving their Pokémon to attack. However, warriors do have special abilities and items that they can use before moving their Pokémon. These abilities include stat boost, healing, and increased range. Pokémon also have abilities that can turn the tide of battle. For example, your Eevee has an ability called Celebrate, which lets it move and attack again if it KOs a Pokémon with its first attack.

War: What is it Good For?

The game starts off slowly and things are pretty straightforward. As you progress in the game, however, you will recruit more warriors, link with different Pokémon, and conquer extra kingdoms. Eventually, you will need to keep track of a whole army and defend against Nobunaga’s forces while trying to prepare an attack in return. Around the mid-point, the game gets pretty complicated and there is a lot to think about. Luckily, you can save at any time, even in the middle of a battle!

Overall, the game is interesting and fun, but only if you like strategies and tactics. This is definitely nothing like a regular Pokémon game.



Price: $29.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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