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America's Next Top Model: Cycle 16, Episode 6 :: Sonia Dara

Mar 30, 2011

This week on America’s Next Top Model, the 8 remaining girls got a little taste of fame. Find out who could handle it and who couldn't on Cycle 16, Episode 6, which aired on March 30, 2011.

Modeling 101

Tyra surprised the girls when she showed up at their house to give them a little modeling 101. First, she helped the girls identify what “type” of model they are. Are they edgy? Couture? Fress-faced? Or are they destined for the cover of Sports Illustrated? Then Tyra told them about something all Top Models have to deal with…a fickle little friend named Fame! She taught the girls how to sign autographs, which was good practice for their challenge.


Next, the girls were handed over to the fans. They had to sign autographs, while presenting themselves with poise, like a model should. Some girls, however, couldn’t hack it. After about an hour, Monique developed a high-maintenance diva attitude that didn’t serve her well in the challenge. She even told an obnoxious fan that Alexandria would be willing to kiss her.

Blondes vs. Brunettes

Later, in their photo shoot with photographer Jonathan Mannion, the girls duked it out—blondes vs. brunettes. The four blondes and four brunettes each posed together in one muddy photo. Until panel, no one really knew how well they did, except Brittani of course. She was striking such fierce poses that the photographer interrupted the shoot to take a few frames of just her.


At panel, the judges (including guest judge, Sonia Dara) admired Brittani’s strong film and striking photo. Even though she’s been hovering near the top all season, this was the first week she received best photo. Kasia, who was the challenge winner, received the second best photo. Two brunettes landed in the bottom two: Monique, whose attitude was bad all episode; and Mikaela, who had a bad week. Rightfully so, Monique was sent home.

America’s Next Top Model Cycle 16 Episode 6 Preview

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