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Celebrity Autographs from Good and Bad Signers

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

When it comes to signing autographs, some celebrities are absolute angels and others are utterly evil. Keep reading for Kidzworlds top five lists of both cool and cold celebrity signers.

Whether a fave celeb autographs or not can make all the difference when it comes to fan support. Some celebs would rather drink pork soda than sign autographs. Others would jump out of a moving limo just to give their fans some ink. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration. At any rate, Kidzworld has comprised a list of five cool and five cold celebrity autographers.

Let the truth be told! Many celebrities are just plain jerks when it comes to signing autographs. Britney Spears is one of them. She expects her fans to shell out $100 for a ticket to her concert but Britney won't take the time to sign it?

Tobey Maguire is no better. Jeff Woolf, autograph hunter, said in an article that, "the new Spiderman (Tobey Maguire) is so wrapped up in his own egotistical web that he has earned the distinction of being the worst signer of the year."

These stars are definitely on Kidzworld's list of zeroes.

Here is the list of the five lamest autograph signers according to professional autograph hunters, Jeff and Steve Woolf:

Worst Five Celebrity Signers

#1 - Tobey Maguire
#2 - Cameron Diaz
#3 - Britney Spears
#4 - Gweneth Paltrow
#5 - Carly Pope

Luckily we have such heroes as Angelina Jolie and George Clooney to make up for the zeroes.

"Simply put, Angelina is awesome!," said the Woolf duo in the same article where they slagged Tobey Maguire.

Her fans say Angelina Jolie is very nice and polite and she shows no attitude when they ask her for her autograph.

George Clooney "always has time to sign" and pose for snapshots, said Jeff and Steve. And he does it all without any huffin' and puffin' - what a truly nice guy.

Here's the Woolf's list of their top five autograph signers:

Best Five Celebrity Signers

#1 - Angelina Jolie
#2 - George Clooney
#3 - LeAnn Rimes
#4 - Fred Durst
#5 - Eddie Murphy

1 I love Angelina Jolie. She has been my role model for a long time and I am glad you guys put her on here.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: CrombieGIrl33
Age: 16

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