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Do It Yourself Water Fights

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Check out Kidzworlds ideas for the best kids water fights and other super summer activities.

Wanna have an awesome water fight, but don't have a Super Soaker or fancy water gun? Don't fret my friends. Kidzworld checks out the best ideas for a do-it-yourself water fight!

Water Balloons

Grab some ballons, fill them with water and start soaking your friends. The upside of water balloons is that they have big time soaking power and are easy to make. The downside is that they don't always burst after you throw them and they're only good once.

Surgical Tubing Water Weenie

  • Get about three-feet of quarter-inch surgical tubing (you can usually find some at a hardware store or medical supplies store) and tie a knot at one end.
  • Take a ball-point pen, unscrew it and dump out all the parts so you're left with just the shell.
  • Insert the base of the pen shell into the end of the tubing that doesn't have a knot.
  • Place the tip of the pen into a water fountain or the end of a hose and turn on the water.
  • When the tubing is full, plug the pen tip with your finger. Be careful not to fill it up too full!
  • Now take your water weapon and get your friends soaked by taking your finger off the end of the pen!

Water Sponges

Get a couple of large buckets of water and a pack of sponges and you're ready for a serious water fight. Dip the sponges in the buckets of water, then either throw them directly at your friends or ring the sponges out on top of them. Sponges are great for water fights since they're designed to absorb water and are easy to "reload."

1Water balloons are always cool. But they usually don't expload on the body, just the ground. Sponges is the best idea!
Water Fight Feedback From: crimsonandgreen

1Get 2 teams, 4 buckets of water, and 2 sponges. Each team lines up in a line and the first person soaks the sponge in the water, and then each person the soaks the sponge over each others' heads and once it gets to the last person, they soak it in the bucket behind the last person. That keeps going and at the end whichever team has the most water in the bucket behind the last person wins!
Water Fight Feedback From:critterkid92

What's your favorite water fighting weapon? your water fight ideas to Kidzworld.

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