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LEGO Bionicle :: Game Preview

Dec 27, 2006

You know what LEGO is right? It's those addictive building blocks that you can make into anything you want. That's the old LEGO, now there's the new LEGO Bionicle series of toys and games.

LEGO Bionicle is about the heroes of a legend from the strange island of Mata-Nui. The island is filled with islanders who live in fear of big, bad Makuta and his evil beasts. The only hope for the islanders is the legend of the Bionicle that tells about six great heroes, called Toas, who come to the island, find the masks of power and kick Makuta's butt.

With the LEGO Bionicle toys you can fight the battle against Makuta yourself. You can collect the six Toa heroes - Pohatu the mighty Toa of Stone, Tahu the fierce Toa of Fire and the other Toas of Water, Air, Ice and Earth. You can also collect Turaga and Tohunga villagers, as well as hordes of Makuta's evil beasts to battle with your Toa heroes.

The Bionicle Trading Card Game, from Upper Deck, lets you compete with your friends to be the first to collect your Toa heroes' masks of power. There are three decks available, each deck comes with two Toa heroes. You can also get booster packs of cards that let you make your own strategies in order to save Mata-Nui.

There is also the new LEGO Bionicle game for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance. In it you can customize your Toa and travel to the island of Mata-Nui to defeat Makuta. LEGO Bionicle has the masks of power to collect, hordes of enemies to stomp on and a bunch of mini-games you can play with your friends.

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