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Freaks of Nature?

Dec 27, 2006

Getting your tongue pierced is nothing compared to what some of these guys have done to their body. If your mom squawked at the tongue piercing, she should meet Enigma and his horns. Is it possible to grow horns? You tell us. Which, if any, of these freak of nature stories are made up?

Lizard Tongue

And you thought biting your tongue hurt. Lizardman purposely sliced his tongue in two, from about the middle to the end. Ouch! With a tongue like that, there's no question where he got his name. With time, patience and practice, Lizardman could even move each side of his tongue separately. Lizardman also had his skin tattooed with green scales and put subdermal implants above his eyebrow. Now he has small round lumps there instead of hair. The split tongue is just the beginning of his lizard look.

Devil With Horns?

Who says only devils have horns? Enigma's not a devil but he has the horns. They aren't big now but give him some time. Horns are put under the skin in stages. Each stage is called a generation. Enigma was on his fourth generation not that long ago. At that time he had 3/4 inch Teflon horns in his forehead. He plans on having horns over an inch high by his seventh generation. He also has blue jigsaw puzzle pieces tattooed all over him - but that's nothing compared to those horns.

Most Tattooed Man

Tattoos aren't anything new. People have been changing their skin color for years. Lots of people get one, two or even a few tattoos in their lifetime. Then there's Tom Leppard. The retired soldier holds the record for the most tattooed man. He has 99.9 percent of his body tattooed. The only parts of his body that he hasn't tattooed are the insides of his ears and the skin between his toes. And just what does Tom have tattooed all over his body? Leopard spots, of course.

What do you think? Is one of these stories made up? Are all of them made up? Take our poll and see what others think.

Last week I wrote about strange diseases. Some of you are obviously on top of your medical symptoms. None of those diseases are made up - so don't compliment blue skinned people or hairy people on their Halloween costume if it's not October 31st.

Here are last week's poll results:

Which One of These Stories is Made up?

Vampire disease: 28 percent
Blue skinned: 42 percent
Werewolf syndrome: 0 percent
None of them: 28 percent

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