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Miracle Birth - Live Octopus

Dec 27, 2006

Emily, a teenager from California, was obviously pregnant. Her stomach was protruding; she had morning sickness, the works. She, however, tearfully insisted to her parents that there was no way she could be pregnant. She had never 'done it' with a boy so it just wasn't possible.

It was fairly obvious Emily was pregnant. The signs weren't lying. Her stomach kept growing; she had a large appetite, as well as other common symptoms. Her family was convinced she was pregnant. She kept arguing that she was a virgin so it was impossible.

Finally, Emily convinced her parents to take her to the doctor to check things out. X-rays were taken and the results proved Emily wasn't lying. She had a large tumor in her stomach and surgery was performed immediately. To everyone's astonishment the surgeons didn't remove a tumor, but a small, live octopus that had fastened itself to the lining of Emily's stomach.

Okay, now you're thinking she's a freak - that's crazy! But the craziest part is - it's happened before. Octopus eggs are microscopic in size and laid in clusters of tens of thousands. Usually, they stick to kelp on the bottom of the ocean by a sticky goo. It isn't surprising that a few escape and float to the surface where the chance of being swallowed by an unsuspecting swimmer is possible. Anyway, don't scoff, because Emily is my friend's boyfriend's cousin.

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If you were horrified to read about the choking doberman in last week's Believe It or Not, you will be happy to know that the story wasn't true.

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