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Console Wars Part 1 :: Sega Dreamcast

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Console Wars kicks off with the Sega Dreamcast. It was the first console on the scene and the first to die off. Is it still worth the bucks to buy one? Gary has the 411 on the white box.

The first console in the Console Wars is the Dreamcast and it's an odd one. It hit stores a year ahead of the PS2 and started off well. When the Playstation 2 showed up the Dreamcast started to lose out and it nearly dropped off the map in March of 2001 when it was cancelled by Sega. It's still hanging on by a fingernail, though. Is it worth picking up? Let's check out the specs:

The Power:

The Dreamcast has a 200Mhz brain and 26MB of RAM. It's a little light on the horsepower, which is to be expected from the oldest system.
Rating: 2

The Games:

Dreamcast games are wild! They break boundaries, try cool tricks, go where no games have gone before and generally rock your world. Unfortunately, there aren't going to be many more.


The Price:

Sega dropped the price on the Dreamcast down to $80 on August 12 2001. Holy cheaperoonie Batman!
Rating: 5

The Final Word:

The Dreamcast has some cool stuff but the console has been canned and the last of the new games will be out soon. Once they're out, that's it. No more new games. This is the console of choice if you're gaming on a budget or if you're just looking for a little gaming action.
Final Rating: 3

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