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DDR: Hottest Party :: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Oct 09, 2007
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Do more than just move your feet in the new Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party dancing game for the Nintendo Wii! We review it.

The awesome Dance Dance Revolution games have been putting your fast feet and funky moves to the test for years on the PS2, Xbox and even Xbox 360. But, the Nintendo Wii lets Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party take it to the next level with the motion-sensitive Wiimote controller! Is it fun or does it fall flat? Gary got his pudgy butt in gear for some dancing action and here's his DDR: Hottest Party game review!

Dancing Action

DDR is all about hitting buttons in time with the beats of a song, but the buttons are on a dance pad so you've gotta move your feet to play the game! There's an adventure mode, multiplayer mode and even a fitness mode for calorie-burning. DDR: Hottest Party also takes the fun up a notch with dance moves for the Wiimote as well as new double-step buttons, random dance steps and a cooperative Friendship Style mode.

Shake it!

It's awesome, it really is. The Wiimote moves are a great addition to the game and give you something to work your upper bod. The new game modes are easy for new players to have fun and the new dance moves will keep hardcore DDR fans on their toes.

Fumbles and Flaws

The biggest problem with this game is that you need the dance pads and they cost a bit extra, especially since each player needs one. The basic ones are pretty cheap, but if you really want to get your DDR moves on it's worth grabbing the $50 Mad Catz dance pads.

The New Groove?

This combination of dancing, music and video game fun has made the DDR games a mad dance fad that's not just fun, it's making gamers fit too! Hottest Party takes the fun up a notch and it's a blast for everybody and a great way to get fit and work off all the holiday treats!

Thumbs Up:

  • Easy for new players.
  • New modes for hardcore DDR fans.
  • Awesome tunes and sweet remixes.
  • A fun way to stay fit!
  • Thumbs Down:

  • The dance pads cost extra.
  • Game Rating: 5

    Available for: Wii.

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