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Kidzworld's Top 10 Video Games of 2005!

Jul 10, 2018

Yesterday we listed the first half of Kidzworld's Top Games of 2005 and gave you the 411 on five of the coolest games from the whole year. Now it's time for the final showdown as we give you the scoop on which games are, definitely, the best games of the year. These six games will rock your game system, check 'em out!

#5. Nintendogs for DS

It's a virtual puppy you can take anywhere! This handheld bundle of cute lets you play with a whole houseful of dogs, take 'em for walks, meet your friends' dogs, train them to do tricks and even dress them up. It's perfect for if you can't have a pet at home, or if you just want to have a dog but don't want it to chew your shoes to bits and pee on the carpet!
  • Click Here for the review.
  • #4. DDR Extreme 2 for PS2 and DDR Ultramix 3 for Xbox

    DDR Extreme 2 for the PS2 and Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3 for the Xbox have teamed up to bring their dancing action to you on Kidzworld's Top 10 Games of the Year list! With everything from beats that'll make you boogie, to fun graphics, an exercise mode to shed the Christmas pudge and more, these games are awesome!
  • Click Here for the DDR Extreme 2 review.
  • Click Here for the DDR Ultramix 3 review.
  • #3. NBA Street V3 for GC/PS2 & Xbox

    How can you say no to a game that puts Princess Peach in short-shorts? With Mario and the gang on the Gamecube and online gaming for the PS2 and Xbox, this game is loaded with street basketball action. It's the game to play when you can't hit the courts in the freezin' winter!
  • Click Here for the review.
  • #2. Shrek SuperSlam for GC/PS2 & Xbox

    So much smack-talk, so much smack-down, so much fun! This is an easy-to-play fighting game with all the freaky fantasy characters from the Shrek movies. From Puss in Boots to Shrek himself and even the dress-wearing wolf, they're all here. Plus, it's a multiplayer slam-fest that's all about scoring huge power moves and unleashing wacky attacks.
  • Click Here for the review.
  • #1. LEGO Star Wars for GC/PC/PS2 and Xbox

    The LEGO Star Wars game is the #1 video game of 2005!
    Courtesy of Eidos
    This is it, the best video game of 2005! How'd it manage to kick this much butt? It packed all the action from all three Star Wars movies into one game, LEGO-ized the whole thing, and made it multiplayer. With awesome levels, all the boss battles from the movies, tons of characters to unlock, wicked all-LEGO graphics, the tunes from the movies, and the ability for new players to join the game anytime they want, it's an awesome game and definitely deserves the title of 2005 Game of the Year from Kidzworld and Gary!
  • Click Here for the review.
  • Click Here for more top games of 2005!
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