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Star Wars PocketModel Trading Card Game Review

Reviewed by on Aug 02, 2007
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Is the Force strong with the Star Wars PocketModel Trading card game? Yes! Find out why with our game review.

A whole new way to have Star Wars battles in your living room just arrived with the Star Wars PocketModel TCG! It's by the same folks that created the Pirates game and it's all about snap-together Star Wars starships blasting the pants off each other. How does it work? Does it suck? Can Anakin Skywalker out-fly Luke Skywalker? Find out with our Star Wars Pocketmodel game review!

Star Wars PocketModel - A Fleet in Your Pocket

This game comes in $5 Booster Packs, each with two to eight Star Wars ships you snap together out of polystyrene cards. The ships are from the movies, and each has attack and defense ratings, abilities and a cost. The stronger each ship is, the more it costs. To play, you build a fleet of ships and a deck of power-up cards. Then you try to blow up all your opponent's ships, or their three Objectives.

Star Wars PocketModel - The Power of the Force!

From TIE Fighters to Jedi Starfighters and even huge Star Destroyers, the ships look really cool. They also have a spot on the bottom to write your name so you don't lose them! Star Wars PocketModel is also fast and easy to play - you'll be commanding fleets of deadly starfighters in no time! Plus, each player needs just one Booster Pack to play, so it's easy to get a few friends playing.

Star Wars PocketModel - Falling to the Dark Side

The biggest problem with this game is that there's no way to stop your opponent from rushing right past your ships, blowing your Objectives into scrap and winning. It gives the first player a huge advantage and can make for some lame games.

Star Wars PocketModel - Strong With the Force?

Even with a few flaws, this is an awesome-looking Star Wars game that you can play for about $5. It's very cool and definitely worth checking out with some friends.

Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG Thumbs Up:

  • The starships look fantastic!
  • Power-up your battles with decks of cards.
  • Play with just one booster pack, or build an entire fleet!
  • Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG Thumbs Down:

  • Objectives get blown up way too easily.
  • No way to stop someone from running straight past your ships.
  • Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG Rating: 4

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