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Ringmaster Book Review

Reviewed by on Jul 26, 2007
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Kidzworld reviews Ringmaster, a series about a spy girl named Darcie Lock by author Julia Golding.

Author: Julia Golding

Ringmaster is the first book in a series starring Darcie Lock. Get Kidzworld's review of this thrilling adventure right here!

A Double Life

Darcie Lock's life among the rich (but not-so-famous) in Nairobi, Kenya is turned upside down when her dad suddenly goes missing. Turns out her boring ol' dad doesn't actually work at the passport office like he says he does, but is a British spy who's infiltrated a drug and guns trafficking ring! And her mom, who only seems interested in shopping and getting her nails done, works for the CIA! Wow, talk about secret identities! Since her dad has vanished and her mom's cover has been blown as well, Darcie must step up and turn from a student to a spy girl overnight!

Crime-Fighting Shero

Think it's kinda weird that the British Secret Intelligence Services would ask a 14 year-old kid to work for 'em? Yeah, we think so too - but that's what makes this book so cool. Darcie is a kick-butt kinda girl to begin with, so even though she's pretty nervous about being thrown into the world of espionage, she's up for the challenge. So what's Darcie's mission? To find the ringmaster of this corrupt organization and bring 'em down in order to rescue her dad! Think it's an impossible mission for a teenage spy?

The Bottom Line

Ringmaster gives you a cool look into the world of spies and terrorists, but it's even cooler cuz a teenage girl is the one who's fighting crime and bringing down the bad guys! And if you're worried about getting lost in all the African phrases that are in the book, fear not cuz Julia Golding has included a glossary to help you out with all the translations. Stay tuned for Darcie Lock's next adventure, Empty Quarter!

Ringmaster Rating: 5

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