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My Gym Partner's a Monkey TV Show Facts

Apr 15, 2016

Adam Lyon's life gets a whole lot wilder when a clerical error sends him to a school for animals. Check out Adam's wacky and woolly education in My Gym Partner's a Monkey!

My Gym Partner's a Monkey - Characters

  • Adam Lyon - A human kid who was accidentally transferred to a school for animals (Charles Darwin Middle School), because of a misspelling of his last name.
  • Jake P. Spidermonkey - A spider monkey classmate of Adam's, Jake has a fear of pants, poor personal hygiene and a serious obsession with his own butt.
  • Slips Python - A laidback constrictor snake who has a mullet and was once abducted by aliens.
  • Lupe Toucan - A Spanish-speaking toucan who is the school's one-woman gossip mill. She's prone to crushing on her fellow-students.
  • Windsor Gorilla - A highly intelligent gorilla who is well-spoken and has an excellent vocabulary.
  • Ingrid Giraffe - A giraffe and Lupe's BFF, Ingrid is kind and sweet, but too much of a push-over. She has a serious crush on Adam.

My Gym Partner's a Monkey - Fun Facts

My Gym Partner's a Monkey - Quotes

  • "You must be new here." - Adam
  • "And you must be Captain Obvious! My name is Rick, Rick Platypus but you can call me Rick Platypus." - Rick
  • "You know, Maurice, it's wonderful how you've overcome your debilitating fear of heights." - Mr. Pixiefrog
  • "Thanks. I'd almost forgotten." - Mr. Mandrill
  • "If Kerry sees me, she'll never want to go to the dance with me!" - Adam
  • "You want to take me to a dance?" - Kerry
  • "Oh boy." - Adam
  • "Hey Adam, you know what I want to be?" - Jake
  • "Umm, let me guess. A [KWLINK ]zoo animal[/KWLINK]?" - Adam
  • "No way! I want to be an underwear model." - Jake
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