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Transformers 3D Battle-Card Game Review

Reviewed by on Jul 12, 2007
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Build, transform and battle for the All Spark with the Transformers 3D Battle Card Game. We review it here.

The awesome Transformers movie is all about the alien robots hitting Earth for a royal rumble over the All Spark. Everybody's jumping in on the awesome transforming robot action and, with the Transformers 3D Battle-Card Game you can take the Autobots and Decepticons home and battle with your friends! Here's the 411 on the new game with Gary's game review.

Autobots, Roll Out!

This game comes in $4 Booster Packs with instructions, one Autobot and one Decepticon. You build the Transformers by snapping the plastic cards together, then they battle with rock-paper-scissors. Each attack does different stuff and you can move around to use different attacks. The first Transformer to hit zero Hit Points in either vehicle or robot form falls apart.

One Shall Stand...

There are a few things that make this game really cool and collecting your fave Transformers (Scorponok!!!) is the first. It's also easy to play, and when you get a bunch of Transformers you can build teams for big Autobots vs. Decepticon battles!

...And One Shall Fall

Unfortunately this game has a few problems. The biggest is that the 3D Transformers are tricky to build, slow to transform, fragile, difficult to carry around and you don't even need them to play the game. It's also tricky to get the rare Transformers and there are only two Transformers from the movie who aren't rare!

Stand or Fall?

Even though you can build decent snap-together Transformers, they're awkward and you really don't need them to play the game. It's basically a popcorn game - light, fluffy and fun while you're still buzzing about the awesome movie. But it gets stale pretty quick.

Thumbs Up:

  • You and a friend can play with one pack.
  • Fast and easy to play.
  • Thumbs Down:

  • Flimsy and awkward 3D Transformers.
  • Hard to collect rare Transformers.
  • Game Rating: 3

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