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Pirates of the Spanish Main Strategy Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Get the scoop on the piratical Pirates of the Spanish Main constructible strategy game from Wizkids!

The Pirates of the Spanish Main Constructible Strategy game from Wizkids gives you 101 new ways to make yer friends walk the plank! It's a game of dueling pirates that comes in packs of cards, which have a bunch of plastic bits that you can build a pirate ship out of. You can also get some cards that are islands, treasure or special crew. Once you and a few of your friends have ships built, it's time to battle to see who can grab the most loot!

Sailing the Seven Seas With the Pirates of the Spanish Main!

To get started on the game, crack open a pack of the cards. You'll get the rules, an island, some treasure and a ship or two. The ships each have ratings for their attack power, defense, speed and cargo room. The higher the ratings, the more points the ship costs. Plus, you can add special crew to each ship for more powers. Each player has to use the same number of points of ships in each game so spend carefully!

Pirates of the Spanish Main - Loot & Booty

Being able to build your own fleet of pirate ships from a pack of cards is pretty sweet. Looting and plundering with them is just extra fun. If you don't dig the pirate thing, you can play with British or Spanish ships as well.

Scurvy and Worse in Pirates of the Spanish Main

The biggest problem with the Pirates of the Spanish Main is keeping your ships from getting busted. They can be stored in the cards, but taking them apart and putting them together all the time is a pain in the butt too. Each pack of ships comes with some treasure and, at the end of each game, the winner gets to keep all the treasure in the game. If you run out, you need to grab more game packs to get more treasure to keep on playing.

Pirates of the Spanish Main Age Rating: E.

Pirates of the Spanish Main Thumbs Up:

  • Build your own pirate ships from packs of cards.
  • Heroic captains and crew give your ships bonuses.

    Pirates of the Spanish Main Thumbs Down:

  • The ships break easily if you aren't careful.
  • Having to give your opponent your treasure can suck.

    Pirates of the Spanish Main Game Rating: 4

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