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PS3 Price Cut, Golden Compass, EA Games and Spyro!

Jul 09, 2007

Summer is here, Harry Potter is in your face and so is all the latest game news here at Kidzworld! This week we have good news for PS3 fans, a video of what's up with the Golden Compass game from SEGA, some news about EA making its Wii sports games family-friendly and the 411 on Spyro the Dragon coming back. Check it out below, plus a list of all the new games that drop this week for every game system from Nintendo DS to Xbox 360, Wii, PS3, PSP and even for your PC!

Playstation 3 Price Cut!

Sony just announced a price cut for the super expensive Playstation 3! The system used to cost $599 US and have a 60GB hard drive. But, a hundred bucks just fell off the price tag and now you can grab 'em for $499 US. They still cost a heap of gold, but it's a smaller heap - you could probably even see over the top if you're tall. But, if you're screamingly rich, you can still spend $599 on a Playstation 3 for the new 80GB version!

EA Makes Wii Sports Games Family-Friendly

Good news for your parents! Electronic Arts is taking a bunch of their Wii sports games and making them super-easy to play. Each game will have their regular mode for hardcore gamers, plus a Family Play mode that's perfect for new gamers who want to jump in on some fun without having to master the art of Wii-Fu by jumping around like a spastic monkey for hours. Here are the games.
  • Madden NFL 08
  • NBA LIVE 08
  • FIFA Soccer 08
  • Spyro the Dragon Returns!

    The fire-breathing purple dude is coming back! His new The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night game is due out in fall 2007 on the DS, GBA, PS2 and Wii game systems. It's going to have Elijah Wood and Gary Oldman back doing voices, new elemental power-ups and a ton more cool stuff.

    The Golden Compass Video Download

    It's big, shiny and the girl who carries it rides around on a great big polar bear named Iorek! The Golden Compass is a truth-telling magic device that's helping Lyra on her quest to rescue her friend Roger from the Gobblers. It's based on the popular His Dark Materials books and the video game from SEGA is coming Christmas 2007. Check out this video for some info on how the game and the movie tie together!
  • The Golden Compass Game Video - .mov file (29MB)
  • What Video Games are Dropping This Week?

  • July 10 - Project Sylpheed for Xbox 360.
  • July 10 - Riviera: The Promised Land for PSP.
  • July 10 - Smash Court Tennis 3 for PSP.
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