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Bella Sara :: Fantasy Horse Trading Cards Review

Reviewed by on Jun 21, 2007
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Collect a stable of online horses and cards with inspiring messages with Bella Sara trading cards. Here’s Gary’s review!

Horses are awesome, but they're a bit too big to keep as pets unless you're lucky enough to live on a farm. Bella Sara trading cards to the rescue! These cool cards were invented by a mom from Scandinavia, where it's already a smash hit, and now you can find it in North America at Blockbuster, Jewel-Osco, Kmart, The Kroger Co., Safeway, Target, Toys "R" Us, Wal-Mart and 7-Eleven stores near you. Here's the 411 on the Bella Sara trading cards with Gary's review.

Horses to Collect, Trade and Play With!

You can get Bella Sara cards in packs from stores for $2 per pack. The packs have a card with ideas for games plus five game cards - each with a horse, or piece of horse gear, an inspiring message and a code so you can go online to the Bella Sara website and unlock what's on the card.

Horses, Inspiration and Online Games

What's awesome about Bella Sara trading cards is that they're a lot more than just collectible horse cards. Once you create your free account you can enter all your card codes to get a virtual stable full of horses to groom, feed, pet and play with! Bella Sara also encourages you to live your life - the cards all have messages on them to inspire you, and the website limits you to an hour of horse time per day so you can get outside, play with your friends and get some exercise.

Flaws and Problems

There are a few things about Bella Sara that are frustrating - the one-hour per day time limit is the biggest. What do you do if the weather's awful or you're sick? The website has issues too - it's slow and sometimes when you go there all you get is an error message!

Dream Horses?

Yay! Bella Sara is a great, cheap way to get that pet horse you always wanted, without having to live on a farm! The website needs a kick in the digital pants, but it's still full of games and virtual pet activities. Bella Sara is great fun for horse lovers and a really positive game for kids and parents to check out.

  • Head to for more info.
  • Thumbs Up:

  • Super cheap, and the website's free!
  • Positive messages on each of the cards.
  • No violence or fighting.
  • Thumbs Down:

  • The website is slow and sometimes broken.
  • Only three card game ideas in the packs.
  • Game Rating: 4

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