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Dear Dish-It, He Acts Like He Likes Me, Then He Doesn't

May 11, 2007

Dear Dish-It, is here to whisper "ttyl when I've thought about this some more".

Dear Dish-It,

There's this one boy who sits next to me in math. I always catch him looking at me and we always happen to flirt a lot. He always does stuff to get me mad (stuff like poking me, taking my backpack, etc.). Every time he does this, I always go chasing after him. When I ask him why he loves to get me mad, he says that he likes when I chase him and he TOTALLY acts like he likes me. But that's only in fifth period. As soon as we get into sixth period, he doesn't even look at me! What should I do?


Boys are strange, huh? Sometimes, they do mean stuff to show you they like you, like poking ya or trippin' ya in the hallways. And a lot of times, they'll just ignore you, either cuz they're nervous and don't know what to say to you or they're tryin' to act cool in front of their pals by acting like you don't exist. That's what your boy seems to be doing when he flirts with you in fifth period, but doesn't look your way in sixth. Or, maybe your sixth period class is a tough class for him and he needs to concentrate on what the teacher is saying rather than chase you around the room. Try talking to him and seeing what the deal is cuz he could have a really good reason for his actions. But if he keeps up his shady behavior, he's not worthy of your time or your love. A guy who can't let on that he digs ya in public isn't ready for a relationship.

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends, losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to here. But 'member, if ya hang out in Chat with other Kidzworld members who know ya by your 'username', ya might wanna use a secret nickname when ya write in. That way no one'll ever know it's you. And, just in case ya don't know, Dish-It gets a lotta letters everyday, and she can't answer 'em all. So keep checkin' the column cuz she's prob'ly answerin' somethin' very similar to your question while you're out doin' somethin' else. K? And Thanks! Ya keep her outta trouble. Oh! And if ya've got words of wisdom you wanna share,We'll dish 'em up, too.

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