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Spider Riders TV Show Facts

Apr 14, 2016

Hunter Steele was an ordinary 11 year-old, then he found a cool cave and was all "Oh no, a deep hooooooole..." *thump*. Now he's a Spider Rider in the world of Arachna, deep in the center of the Earth. He and his buddies battle the buggy forces of the Invectid in the cool cartoon on the Kids WB and Teletoon in Canada. Check out the facts on the heroes and villains right here!

Spider Riders - Main Characters

  • Hunter Steele - The hero of the Spider Riders cartoon, he's 11 years old with a supersized ego, a double-headed battle staff and a spider named Shadow. He's a little clueless about what's up in Arachna, but there's a prophecy about him that says he could either save Arachna or destroy it! He also has a crush on Corona.
  • Shadow - Hunter's spider is a powerful descendant of the Ancestral Lord of Spiders. He's also cranky about having a rider, and doesn't like big crowds.
  • Corona - This 11 year-old girl found Hunter and brought him to the Spider Riders. She fights with a bow and arrow from the top of her spider, Venus!
  • Prince Lumen - The boss of the Spider Riders and rider of the super-powerful spider Ebony. He's all about talking, not fighting, but uses a sword when he has to.
  • Princess Sparkle - Prince Lumen's lil' sis is a Spider Rider and knows lots about the prophecy, but she's no good at fighting.
  • Magma - A rogue Spider Rider that fights with a mace. He and his spider, Brutus, are good guys but they have to find Portia, Brutus' lil sis, before he'll join the other riders.

Spider Riders - Villains

  • Mantid - The leader of the evil Invectid swarm wants to wipe out the humans, even though he's secretly a human!
  • Buguese - Mantid's number one goon, he wears a mask and fights with a red sword.
  • Aqune - This honorable warrioress is a mask-wearing Spider Rider who fights with a glaive or a longsword. She follows Buguese but has stopped him from killing Hunter when it would have been dishonorable.
  • Grasshop - This grasshopper villain is a gadget geek, but he and his minions keep getting clobbered by the Spider Riders.
  • Beerain - This bug leads her buzzrays into battle with a whip and a heap of attitude!

Spider Riders - Fun Facts

  • Aqune rides Portia the purple spider, the lil' sis of Magma's spider Brutus!
  • Spider Riders started as a bunch of books written by Tedd Anasti, Patsy Cameron-Anasti and Stephen D. Sullivan.
  • Spider Riders is on TV on Saturday at 10:30am on the Kids WB, or Sunday at 10:00am on Teletoon.
  • The official website has a web game you can play!
  • Spider Riders is also on TV in Japan, but everybody is older and there are some small plot differences.
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