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Justice League Fun Facts

Oct 29, 2018

Sometimes one superhero just isn't enough. That's why there's the Justice League! Long before the X-Men hit the screen, this crime-fighting team combined their superpowers to save the world from the ongoing menaces it faces. Now they're back on DVD. Check it out!

Justice League - Main Characters

  • Superman - This all-around superhero can do it all (faster than a speeding bullet; more powerful than a locomotive; able to leap tall buildings in a single bound - you know the drill), as long as there isn't kryptonite around.
  • Batman - Unlike many superheroes, Batman doesn't have any superhuman powers - but he uses his superior brains and physical prowess to keep the world safe from evil-doers.
  • Wonder Woman - This super babe is generally accepted to be a princess from the Amazon warrior tribe of Greek mythology. Her superpowers include the "Lasso of Truth" and indestructible silver bracelets that form the shield "Aegis".
  • Flash - This tight-wearing titan could run a super-fast speeds and had reflexes to match.
  • Green Lantern - The Green Lantern's power ring allows him control over the physical world.
  • Hawkgirl - Hawkgirl has the wings of a hawk, which allow her to fly. She manages to kick some serious bad guy butt despite the fact that she has some pretty archaic weaponry.
  • Martian Manhunter - Also known as the Manhunter from Mars, this superhero has abilities simmilar to Superman - but also can make himself invisible. That's probably a good thing cuz this green, hairless dude is no Clark Kent.

Justice League Fun FactsThe Justice League

Justice League - Fun Facts

  • The show was retitled Justice League Unlimited at the beginning of the third season.
  • Current cartoon hit Teen Titans is a spin-off of the Justice League franchise.
  • The cast of the TV show Firefly has made several appearances in Justice League.
  • Green Lantern is voiced by Phil LaMarr, who has done voice work on Terminator Three, King of the Hill, Spider-Man 2, Kim Possible and way more.

Justice League - Quotes

  • "I'm not really a people person. But when you need help, and you will, call me." - Batman
  • "Flash, don't heckle the super villain." - Green Lantern
  • "So, you fight crime AND bake cookies. How do you do it?" - Hawkgirl

Justice League DVD Review

The Justice League Season One DVD brings you all the fun of this super-series, plus audio commentary, interviews with the creators, original storyboards and a never-seen-before promo, which helped launch the Justice League into action.

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