Don't just sit around at home by yourself, staring at the wall, pining over a lost love. Listen to some of the best break-up songs out there to help you remember that you're not alone - and you can get over bad relationships.
No. 10: All-American Rejects :: Gives You Hell
Lead singer Tyson Ritter has said this song is about a guy who did him wrong back before he was famous, but the lyrics can just as easily apply to a mean ex. Either way, "Gives You Hell" is a fun song to let out your anger to.

No. 9: Lady Gaga :: Paparazzi
The great Gaga talks trash about fame and stalkers. Ever followed someone until they loved you? If so, you’re probably still following them because stalking just begets more stalking. Listen to the Gaga--say no to stalking!
No. 8: Lykke Li :: Little Bit
If you’ve ever been too proud to tell someone you love them, you’ll relate to Lykke Li’s cute little ditty about how embarrassment and game-playing can sabotage a potential relationship.
No. 7: Alicia Keys :: Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart
Getting dumped is never fun. Trying to fall asleep at night is the worst for Ms. Keys because that’s when she remember her ex the most. Still, this ballad is empowering as Alicia keeps telling herself, “I’m gonna find a way to make it without you.”

No. 6: Kanye West :: Heartless
Even megastars like Kanye can get their hearts trampled. You won’t find a more straight up break-up jam than this one. Kanye penned Heartless after getting played by his long-term girlfriend—the pain and loneliness are easy to relate to for anyone who's ever been on the bad side of a breakup.
#5. Phoenix :: 1901
"1901" is definitely the catchiest, happiest-sounding song about heartbreak. Unless you listen to the lyrics, that mention “girlfriend, oh your girlfriend is drifting away,” you’d never guess this pop gem was about a guy getting played by a girl. Listen to this one when you need to boost your mood.

No. 4: Rihanna :: Hard
After the public controversy surrounding Rihanna and Chris Brown, Rihanna needed a strong single to announce her comeback and "Hard" is it—“they can say whatever/I’ma do whatever/no pain is forever.” With "Hard", Rihanna proves she’s still a force to be reckoned she uses her music to overcome the scandal.
No. 3: Kelly Clarkson :: Already Gone
Kelly mourns a relationship that was doomed from the start. Neither Kelly nor her boyfriend could make each other happy so she had to leave so they both could find someone who can. This is Kelly at her best—belting out a heartsick ballad.
No. 2: Beyonce :: Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)
Single Ladies is a twisted kind of ladies liberation anthem—on the one hand, B has dumped her man for not committing, but on the other hand, she’s practically begging for a marriage on the rocks. If a guy can’t commit without a ring, chances are it’s not going to be any different when you’re married! That said, "Single Ladies" is an undeniably catchy tune guaranteed to get your booty shaking.

No. 1: Taylor Swift :: Fifteen
Taylor lays down some real talk on relationships—it all seems so genuine and heavy when you’re young and in love, but even though you might swear you’re “gonna marry him someday,” Taylor emphasizes the important of “realiz[ing] some bigger dreams.”
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