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ChatNow Communicators

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Chat with your friends, text messages and take digital pics with the ChatNow Flip Communicators from Hasbro. Check out this review of the ChatNow Communicators and other games, toys and gadgets for kids.

Chat with your friends or send them text messages up to two miles away with the ChatNow Flip Communicator! This sweet gadget is a two-way radio, a digital camera and text messenger all rolled into one. And it's packed with extra cool features for communicating with your friends. Personalize your text messages by adding funky symbols or animate the photos you take and save them to a personal buddy list. The ChatNow Communicators also include screen savers and ten different ring tones, which are super easy to use with the flip-out keypad and Push To Talk Button. Best of all, there are no fees, no bills and no minutes to keep track of! The one downside to the ChatNow Communicators is that they can only communicate with other ChatNow Communicators, which means you won't be able to text your friends who have a cell phone or some other kind of text messenger. But the ChatNows are sold in sets of two, so you'll always have at least one person to chat with.

ChatNow Communicators - Thumbs Up

  • A two-way radio, text messenger and digital camera all-in-one.
  • Easy to use.
  • No fees or airtime minutes to worry about.
  • Sweet extra features, including ring tones and screen savers.
  • ChatNow Communicators - Thumbs Down

  • Only works with other ChatNow Communicators.
  • Batteries not included.
  • ChatNow Communicators Rating: 4
    Age: 8 to 12
    Price Range: 5

    You can win the ChatNow Communicators and other sweet toys by entering Kidzworld's Toys of the Year Sweepstakes. Click Here To Enter!

    Price Range Legend
    $0-$15 = 1
    $16-$30 = 2
    $31-$45 = 3
    $46-$60 = 4
    $60+ = 5

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