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Game News: 2005, 10, 23-29

Dec 27, 2006

Want the latest game news? It's all right here! From the latest on The Sims 2 to a chance to win a $5,000 and a swack of free Duel Masters cards and the 411 on the new World of Warcraft card game, we have it. Check out all the info here and what you think!

What Hot New Video Games Will Drop This Week?

  • October 25 - Atomic Betty for GBA.
  • October 25 - Ed, Edd 'n Eddy for GBA.
  • October 25 - Civilization IV for PC.
  • October 25 - Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life - Special Edition for PS2.
  • October 25 - Ratchet: Deadlocked for PS2.
  • October 25 - RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Wild! for PC.
  • October 25 - Sandlot Basketball for PS2.
  • October 25 - Shrek SuperSlam for PC.
  • October 25 - Soul Calibur III for PS2.
  • October 25 - The Bible Game for GBA.
  • What Cool Video Games are Dropping Next Week?

  • October 31 - Ed, Edd 'n Eddy: The Misadventures for Gamecube, PC, PS2 and Xbox.
  • October 31 - Shrek SuperSlam for GBA.
  • October 31 - Star Wars Battlefront II for PC and PSP.
  • November 1 - NBA 06 for PS2.
  • November 1 - Pac-Man World 3 for PC.
  • November 1 - Shrek SuperSlam for DS, Gamecube, PS2 and Xbox.
  • November 1 - SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger for PSP.
  • November 1 - Star Wars Battlefront II for PS2.
  • November 1 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare for PS2 and Xbox.
  • November 1 - The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer for GBA, DS, PS2 and Xbox.
  • November 1 - Trollz: Hair Affair for GBA.
  • Rule the World of Warcraft Board Game

    The World of Warcraft board game is coming soon and they have a special offer for you! If you head to your fave game store and pre-order it, you'll get a free bronze fig of your fave character (while supplies last) and a sweet map of Lordaeron you can hang on your wall. How much is it? $80 US.

    Get a World-Champion Pokemon Card Game Deck

    The best Pokemon card game decks in the world, the ones used at the 2005 World Championships to compete for over $100,000 in prizes, can be yours! There are four decks coming on October 31, 2005 for $11 US each. Each deck has 60 cards and is printed on special cards so you can't use them in tournaments.
  • Bright Aura played by Curran Hill from Chapel Hill, winner of the 10-and-under category.
  • King of the West played by Michael Gonzales from California, semi-finalist of the 10-and-under category.
  • Dark Tyranitar played by Takashi Yoneda from Japan, finalist in the 11-14 category.
  • Queendom played by Jeremy Maron from Pennsylvania, winner of the 15-and-up category.
  • Thursday, October 27, 2005

    Pac-Man Gets Chatty in Pac-Man World 3

    The yellow dude has been a video game hero for years, but he's never been a talker. Now he's finally getting a chance to say something in the Pac-Man World 3 video game when it drops in November 2005.

    Wednesday, October 26, 2005

    The Force is Strong on the Gamecube

    The LEGO Star Wars video game is finally here for the Nintendo Gamecube! This wicked game lets you play through Episode I, II and III of the Star Wars movies with 30 different characters - all of them made from LEGO. It dropped on October 25, 2005 for $30 US.

    Playstation 3 Backwards Compatibility Problems

    Oh no! Sony leaked news that the Playstation 3 won't be totally backwards compatible with Playstation 2 and Playstation video games! This may mean that you won't be able to play your fave game when you drop $$$ for the new console. Nothing is confirmed yet though. Hopefully we'll have more info soon.

    Tuesday, October 25, 2005

    Xbox 360 at Wal-Mart!

    Want to play with Microsoft's shiny new Xbox 360 game console but don't have $$$ or the patience to wait until November 22, 2005? Go to Wal-Mart! The monster stores have demo kiosks with Xbox 360s plugged in and ready for you to play. But, they don't all have 'em so call your local Wal-Mart and check before you get your 'rents to drive you down.

    High-Speed Pac-Attack!

    Pac-Man is putting the pedal to the metal with the new Pac-Man World Rally kart racing game for the Gamecube, PC, Playstation 2, PSP and Xbox. It's dropping in summer 2006 and it'll have 15 drivers (including Pac-Man himself), multiplayer racing and a ton of power-ups to boost the racing action!

    Riot: The Creepy Circus Card Game

    A creepy circus full of evil freaks, monsters and clowns just rolled into town and it's up to the kids to stop 'em! It's Riot: The Collectible Card Game and you can play it with your friends when it drops in the spring of 2006 at Wal-Mart, Target and Toys "R" Us.

    Monday, October 24, 2005

    The Sims 2 for Game Consoles

    The Sims 2 is the smokin' hot game of virtual people from EA. Up 'til now it's been a PC-only thing, but it just dropped for the Gameboy Advance, Gamecube, Nintendo DS, Playstation 2 and Xbox! Plus, it's coming for the Sony PSP and even cell phones later this year.

    Duel Masters: Creature Appreciation Week Contest

    Want to win $5,000? The creature-lovin' Duel Masters folks are giving a $5,000 prize to the best monster over at the Creature Appreciation Week website. They want you to take a pic of a legendary critter, like a chupacabra, a yeti, or even the loch ness monster. For all the info, check out their site.
  • World of Warcraft Card Game Previews

    The insanely popular World of Warcraft video game is being turned into a card game by Upper Deck, the Yu-Gi-Oh! folks. It's coming in 2006, but they're previewing two new cards at the BlizzCon celebration on October 28 and 29, 2005.

    Related Stories:

  • Flamin' Hot DS, Yu-Gi-Oh! Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and More!
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game: Basic Game Review
  • Duel Masters TCG: Basic Game Review
  • The Sims 2: DS, GBA, GC, PC, PS2 and Xbox Video Game Review
  • Get More Game News Here!
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