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Rocketmen: Axis of Evil - Spaceship Battle Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 5 Star Rating

We review Rocketmen: Axis of Evil, the game of space battles from Wizkids!

In the future, space is full of aliens, rocketships and ray-gun-blasting adventure. With the Rocketmen: Axis of Evil Constructible Strategy Game from Wizkids, the Pirates peeps, you can build your own fleet of rocketships and conquer space! This game comes in booster packs of plastic cards, each card has asteroids, famous space captains, or bits you can build into a rocketship or three. There are all kinds of ships, from tiny fighters to huge space cargo ships and even space stations. The stronger a ship is, the more points it costs. Once you've built your ships, you and your friends can use them to battle!

The awesome news is that Rocketmen is way cheap - $4 will get you started. Plus, you get to blast your friends apart with fleets of martian space cruisers! The biggest bummer is that it's a bit tricky to put the rocketships together and keep 'em from breaking when you put them away. It's a fun game though and there are Giant Shocking Jellyfish coming soon!

Rocketmen: Axis of Evil - Thumbs Up

  • Cool little rocketships.
  • Super cheap to play.
  • Heroic captains can power up your rocketships.

Rocketmen: Axis of Evil - Thumbs Down

  • Tricky to keep the ships from breaking.
  • You can't ram a ship if it has shields left.

Rocketmen: Axis of Evil Rating: 4

Age: 12 and up
Price Range: 1

Price Range Legend
$0-$15 =1
$16-$30 =2
$31-$45 =3
$46-$60 =4
$60+ = 5

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