Get the scoop on unlocking more cute puppies in the Nintendogs video game for the Nintendo DS.
The cutest video game ever is here - Nintendogs for the Nintendo DS video game system! It's all about playing with the virtual puppy of your choice, raising it, training it, taking it for walks and meeting up with other peoples' puppies through the wireless connection. Each game comes with more than one puppy, but you have to unlock the other puppies! Good news though, Cheat Street is the place to go for all the game cheat info you'll need - including how to unlock extra puppies in Nintendogs!
Unlocking More Nintendogs Puppies!
There are a bunch of puppies for you to unlock in each Nintendogs game. Most of them can be unlocked by collecting tons of Trainer Points but there are two dogs that you have to find. The Dalmation and Jack Russel Terrier can only be unlocked by finding the Fireman's Hat or Jack Russel Terrier book while you take your puppy out for a walk.2,000 Trainer Points
Perfect Puppy Fur!
Giving your puppy a bath and using a bottle of shampoo to give him a shampoo and rinse improves his fur. But, as long as you don't end the bath, you can keep giving your puppy a shampoo and rinse, and improving his fur, without using extra shampoo!Bonus Puppy Treats
When you're teaching your Nintendog a new trick, a light bulb can appear over its head. Grab the bulb with your Nintendo DS pen and drag it to your puppy. It will eat it like a dog treat! You can do the same thing if a bone appears on the screen. Yum!I am getting Nintendogs and I have heard it is major wicked. I have always wanted a chihuahua so i will get Chihuahua and Friends
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