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How to Get Sun-Streaked Hair

Aug 11, 2015

Want to get sun-kissed highlights? Well, you can hit the salon for sunny streaks or do them yourself! Check out all these ways to get natural-looking highlights and add instant oomph to your look.

Olive Oil

Not only is olive oil a great hair conditioner, but it's also a great hair lightener. Just comb it through and let the sun do the rest of the work for you. It may take a few washes to get it all out afterwards, but your hair will be nicely moisturized and beautifully sun-kissed!

Lighten With Lemons

Lemon juice + the sun = highlights! This is great for blondes who wanna lighten and brighten up. Just add 1/4 cup of lemon juice to 3/4 cup of water, put it in a spray bottle and spritz it on your hair - but NOT on your scalp. Then kick back with some mags, some music and a lot of sunscreen, waiting for the sun to create summery highlights.

Lemons are a great natural way to lighten your hairLemons are a great natural way to lighten your hair

Cuppa Chamomile

Listen up brunette babes, cuz here's a natural way to bring golden highlights to your hair! All ya have to do is boil a pot of chamomile tea and let it cool. Rinse your freshly washed and conditioned hair in the brew and relax in the sun. If you want to go lighter, then do it everyday for a week.

Spray-In Lighteners

Spray-on products, like Sun-In Spray-In Hair Lightener, is another easy alternative. As the name suggests, you spray it on your hair and can either sit out in the sun for it to work its magic, or use the heat of a blow-dryer. The more Sun-In you spray on, the lighter your hair will turn.

Sun-In helps lighten your hairSun-In helps lighten your hairCourtesy of Sun-In

Home Highlighting Kits

Think back to your first grade teacher's words of wisdom - follow directions carefully! Read the entire box before you start so you won't run into any unforseeable problems. We recommend L'Oreal Feria Color Strands QuickShimmer Highlights. It comes with a brush so you can comb it exactly where you want it, but keep in mind that the best places for highlights are on your bangs, the top of the crown and around your face.

The Work of a Pro

If ya wanna skip the DIY highlights, head to a salon to get a professional stylist to look after your hair. Let the stylist know whether you want skinny sections, which create a natural look, or chunky highlights, which are bolder and more dramatic. Be prepared to hand over a hefty wad of cash though - highlights are pricey, and the longer your hair, the more expensive it is!