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Dear Dish-It, Am I in Love?

Dec 27, 2006

Dear Dish-It

Dear Dish-It,

I know this guy at school and he is kinda cute, but he has the best personality. I know that even though he is black and I am white, we get along very well. When I asked him if he liked me he said he didn't know yet. But my family's big on the race issue. So I am stuck. Every time I am around him, or every time he looks at me, I feel as if I know exactly what he is thinking. We just click with everything... I know that even though I would get into trouble, he is perfect for me. I don't exactly KNOW what love IS, so could you tell me how to find out if you are in love with a guy or not???


Dear confused,

Thanks for this great question. A lotta kids probably wanna know the answer. But before we get into the love thing, you need to know that gettin' along with someone has nothin' to do with anything you can 'see'. Not height, weight, colour, or, or, or, or....It's what's on the inside that comes out and does the 'here I am' thing. And that best personality you already know is part of that.

And sorry to say, but there isn't a take-home test you can stress over to find out whether or not you are in love - you'll just know. And it'll blow you away!.

And, sorry again, I think this is still just a crush. You probably do have some pretty strong feelings for him. But the only way you'll figure out if you love him or not is by gettin' to know him better. But since your parents probably won't approve right now of your current crush, maybe you should take things slow. That way your parents can get to know him, too.

And remember that somepeople act weird about interracial relationships. But then, when they really get to know the couple, they see how great the two are together.

Hey! Why don't you ask this guy to hang out sometime? Then you'll see if you're as compatible as you think you are. And there's no use stressin' about the parents, or whether or not you're in love, BEFORE you figure out whether you guys feel the same way about gettin' together. If you do, cool, THEN you can stress about how to introduce this guy to the parents. Good Luck! And Have Fun!

So, ya gotta burnin' question? Need some love directions? Thinkin' 'bout stuff like depression, sex,how ya feel 'bout YOURSELF (that's called "self-esteem"), boyfriends, girlfriends,losin' old friends, bullyin' or peer pressure, but too scared to ask the parents? Don't be scared to .

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