Summer Prize Pack - Boys Toys
Dec 27, 2006
Cranium Zigity - A four-in-one card game packed with fun activities and wild twists and turns. Play sets of cards that add to 11, spell a word, complete the puzzle, or match musical instruments in a race to get rid of all your cards! This game is fast-paced, full of surprises and only takes about 10 minutes to play.

Reading Is Cool Journal by Mudpuppy Press - Unless you're reading a book for school, you rarely stop and ask yourself questions about something you've been reading. The Reading in Cool reading journal is a journal that you fill in while reading your fave novel. It will help you develop your book report skills and will help you remember all the awesome stories you've read in the past. For more info, head to

If you're looking for something to keep your long summer days occupied, a round of Perpetual Commotion should shake things up for you. This fast-paced card game takes about 45 minutes to play and you can play with two to six players. The object of the game is to get rid of your cards the fastest - think you can do it?

Ready for a hot summer game to cool you off and test your luck? Check out Wet Head from Imagination Entertainment. This game of "water roulette" will have you sitting with your fingers crossed, hoping you don't get drenched!
Don't Quote Me Time For Kids Edition - Test your knowledge of entertainment, history, sports and science with a Don't Quote Me Time For Kids Edition board game. The game features quotations on a wide variety of topics, so there's something for everyone. A great game for playing this summer on camping trips, sleepovers or rainy days
Emerson Radio SpongeBob CD Player - Party at Bikini Beach with SpongeBob Square Pants! This SpongeBob CD player and radio is the perfect way to blast your favorite tunes all summer long.
Touchdown - Put your brain to work this summer with Touchdown - the hand held puzzle game that's shaped like a football. Touchdown is a challenging game that'll keep your brain in shape over the summer and it's a great way to kill time during long car rides.
LEGO Speedboat - Build a LEGO speedboat that you can really race in the water. It really floats and the working motor will send your boat flying across the waves! Challenge your friends and race this boat in the pool, the lake or anywhere else you can find some water.
Sentence Says - Create sentences from letter cards while playing against time, action cards and the opinions of the other players in this fast-paced game. Sentence Says will keep your reading and writing skills sharp over the summer break.
Star Wars Hover Disc - Practice your Jedi skills and use the force with a Star Wars Hover Disc, covered with Yoda, Darth Vader and other characters from Revenge of the Sith. Blow it up, than toss it around with your friends for great summer time Jedi fun.
Swap Card Game - Swap is a fast-paced game that is super addictive and great for playing with a group of friends. You try to get rid of your cards by playing on matching colors. But there's also a few crazy twists. You may have to swap hands or race to slap the pile! Each game takes about ten minutes and your hand can change at any time, which makes this game a blast.
To check out other cool toys and games you can win in the Summer Prize Pack Sweepstakes, click here.
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