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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Game Cheats

Dec 27, 2006

One lightsaber, one thousand enemies, unfair! If you want a chance to kick butt against all the battle droids, Sith Lords and other enemies in the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith video game, you should grab these cheat codes. They come straight from Kidzworld's Cheat Street and they're for the Xbox and Playstation 2. Check em out and go kick evil's hiney!

Activating Cheat Codes in the Revenge of the Sith Video Game

These cheat codes are a snap to use, all you have to do is head to the Options screen and punch in the password of your choice! Here's a list of passwords you can use to unlock unlimited health, movie clips and more.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Passwords

The Password
What it Unlocks
NARSHADDAA All the bonus missions.
AAYLASECURA All the concept art.
TANTIVEIV All the dueling arenas.
ZABRAK All the duelists.
JAINA All the Jedi and Force powers.
COMLINK All the movie clips.
BELSAVIS Fast Health/Force recovery.
KORRIBAN All the story missions.
SUPERSABERS Super Lightsaber mode!
071779 Tiny droid mode.
KAIBURR Unlimited Force.
XUCPHRA Unlimited Health.

Unlocking Extra Dueling Arenas in Revenge of the Sith

There are 13 dueling arenas you can unlock, here they are and how to unlock them!
Dueling Arena
How to Unlock it
Throne Room Main Chamber Finish Mission 4: Settling the Score.
Throne Room Upper Balcony Finish Mission 4: Settling the Score.
Utapau Sinkhole Control Room Finish Mission 9: Showdown with Grievous.
Utapau Sinkhole Landing Platform Finish Mission 9: Showdown with Grievous.
Palpatine's Office Finish Mission 10: The Dark Side of the Force.
Palpatine's Docking Bay Finish Mission 10: The Dark Side of the Force.
Temple Control Room Finish Mission 12: The Final Lesson.
Temple Outer Terrace Finish Mission 12: The Final Lesson.
Mustafar Balcony Finish Mission 16: A Friendship in Flames.
Mustafar Control Room Finish Mission 16: A Friendship in Flames.
Episode IV Death Star Finish Mission 17: Revenge of the Sith.
Mustafar Control Arm Finish Mission 17: Revenge of the Sith.
Mustafar Lava Platform Finish Mission 17: Revenge of the Sith.

Unlocking Bonus Missions in Revenge of the Sith

There are five bonus missions you can unlock, here they are and how to unlock them!
Bonus Mission
How to Unlock Them
Episode IV Death Star Finish Mission 17: Revenge of the Sith.
Grievous on the Run Finish Mission 9: Showdown with Grievous.
Mustafar Lava Challenge Finish Mission 14: Assassination on Mustafar.
Size Matters Not Finish Mission 15: Aftermath in the Temple.
The General's Protectors Finish Mission 8: The Cavalry Arrives.

Unlocking Bonus Characters in Revenge of the Sith

You can even unlock seven extra dueling characters, here they are and how to unlock them!
How to Unlock Them
Ben Kenobi Finish Mission 17: Revenge of the Sith.
Cin Drallig Finish Mission 12: The Final Lesson.
Count Dooku Finish Mission 4: Settling the Score.
Darth Vader Finish Mission 17: Revenge of the Sith.
General Grievous Finish Mission 9: Showdown with Grievous.
Mace Windu Finish Mission 10: The Dark Side of the Force.
Serra Keto Finish Mission 12: The Final Lesson.

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